Article 1 - Definitions
- Red Rocket Online, located in Hoorn, with Chamber of Commerce number 66811023, is referred to as the service provider in these general terms and conditions.
- The counterparty of the service provider is referred to as the client in these general terms and conditions.
- The parties are the service provider and the client together.
- The agreement refers to the agreement for services between the parties.
Article 2 - Applicability of general terms and conditions
- These terms and conditions apply to all quotations, offers, work, agreements and deliveries of services or goods by or on behalf of the service provider.
- Deviation from these terms and conditions is only possible if it has been expressly and in writing agreed upon by the parties.
- The agreement always contains an obligation of best efforts for the service provider, not an obligation to achieve a result.
Article 3 - Payment
- Invoices must be paid within 14 days after the invoice date, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing or a different payment term is stated on the invoice.
- Payments are made by transferring the amount due to the bank account number specified by the service provider, without any right to suspend or set off.
- If the client does not pay an invoice within the agreed term, he is automatically in default, without any reminder being required. From that moment on, the service provider is entitled to suspend obligations until the client has fulfilled his payment obligations.
- If the client defaults on payment, the service provider will take steps to collect the debt. The costs associated with this collection will be charged to the client. If the client is in default, he is also liable for statutory (commercial) interest, extrajudicial collection costs and other damages to the service provider. The collection costs are calculated in accordance with the Decree on compensation for extrajudicial collection costs.
- In the event of liquidation, bankruptcy, attachment or suspension of payment of the client, the claims of the service provider against the client will become immediately due and payable.
- If the client refuses to cooperate with the execution of the assignment by the service provider, he is still obliged to pay the agreed price to the service provider.
Article 4 - Offers and quotations
- The offers of the service provider are valid for a maximum of 1 month, unless a different acceptance period is stated in the offer. If the offer is not accepted within that period, the offer will expire.
- Delivery times in quotations are indicative and do not give the client the right to dissolve the agreement or claim damages in case of exceeding them, unless the parties have expressly and in writing agreed otherwise.